Menthol Flavour Vape Liquid: More Toxic and Damaging to Lungs than Previously Thought?

Over the past decade, e-cigarette alternatives have become increasingly popular as health warnings over smoking become more prevalent. However, recent research from the University of Pittsburgh has shown that adding mint flavour to e-cigarette liquids can be associated with worse lung function in consumers.

According to senior author Dr Kambez H. Benam, "many people, especially youth, erroneously assume that vaping is safe, but even nicotine-free vaping mixtures contain many compounds that can potentially damage the lungs." It is crucial to note that just because something is safe to consume as food does not mean that it is safe to inhale.

E-cigarette Liquids and Lung Function

The University of Pittsburgh researchers utilized a specially designed robotic system that mimics the mechanics of human breathing and vaping behavior to analyze the impact of e-cigarette liquids containing menthol. They found that commercially available e-cigarette liquids containing menthol produce a more significant number of "toxic microparticles" compared to menthol-free juice.

Furthermore, the analysis of patient records revealed that vapers who use menthol flavour vape liquids have poorer lung function and take shallower breaths compared to non-menthol smokers. This result was consistent regardless of age, gender, race, and time spent smoking nicotine-containing or other vaping products.

Importance of Knowledge on E-cigarettes' Risks and Benefits

According to Dr Benam, "the main message that we want to put out there is for people, especially young adults, who haven't smoked before. Switching to e-cigarettes may be a better, safer alternative for someone who is trying to quit smoking regular tobacco products. But it's important to have full knowledge of e-cigarettes' risks and benefits before trying them."

Full study results have been published in Respiratory Research.


E-cigarettes have been marketed as a safer alternative to traditional tobacco products. Still, the addition of menthol flavour vape liquid has been associated with worse lung function in consumers. The research findings should serve as a wake-up call to anyone who believes that vaping is entirely safe.

It is crucial to understand that e-cigarettes are not entirely risk-free, and while they may offer a better alternative to traditional smoking, they still have the potential to cause harm to the lungs. Individuals who are considering vaping should have full knowledge of e-cigarettes' risks and benefits before trying them.


  1. Is vaping safer than smoking? While e-cigarettes may offer a better alternative to traditional smoking, they are not entirely risk-free. Recent research has shown that adding menthol flavour to e-cigarette liquids can be associated with worse lung function in consumers.

  2. Can nicotine-free vaping mixtures damage the lungs? Yes, nicotine-free vaping mixtures contain many compounds that can potentially damage the lungs.

  3. What did the University of Pittsburgh research reveal? The University of Pittsburgh researchers found that commercially available e-cigarette liquids containing menthol produce a more significant number of "toxic microparticles" compared to menthol-free juice. Furthermore, vapers who use menthol flavour vape liquids have poorer lung function and take shallower breaths compared to non-menthol smokers.

  4. What is the main message from the University of Pittsburgh researchers? According to Dr Benam, "the main message that we want to put out there is for people, especially young adults, who haven't smoked before. Switching to e-cigarettes may be a better, safer alternative for someone who is trying to quit smoking regular tobacco products. But it's important to have full knowledge of e-cigarettes' risks and benefits before trying them."

  5. Where can I find the full study results The full study results have been published in Respiratory Research, and interested individuals can access the publication to learn more about the research findings and methodology.

Final Thoughts

The popularity of e-cigarettes has been on the rise in recent years, with many individuals considering them as a safer alternative to traditional tobacco products. However, the addition of menthol flavour vape liquid has been associated with worse lung function in consumers, highlighting the need for caution when using e-cigarettes.

It is crucial to understand that e-cigarettes are not entirely risk-free, and individuals who are considering vaping should have full knowledge of their risks and benefits before trying them. As research into e-cigarettes continues, it is essential to remain vigilant and informed about any potential risks associated with these products.