Debunking the Myth of Vaping as a Gateway to Cigarette Use for Teens

Vaping has become increasingly popular among teenagers in recent years, raising concerns about whether it could lead to cigarette smoking. While many studies have suggested that vaping could be a gateway to long-term cigarette use, a new study published in JAMA Network Open has found that the percentage of adolescents who move on to smoking after starting to vape remains low, and those who do start smoking are unlikely to continue doing so for a long time.

The Study

The study analyzed data from several waves of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study. Participants included 8671 children and adolescents aged 12 to 17 years. Among teens who had ever vaped, 6% began smoking cigarettes and continued to smoke in the subsequent 3 years, compared to 1.1% among teens who never vaped. While those in the group who used e-cigarettes were 81% more likely to continue smoking tobacco cigarettes after 3 years, compared to those who did not use e-cigarettes, the overall number of cigarette smokers remained low.

"If they simply experiment with smoking but do not continue, their risks of smoking-related adverse health outcomes are low," said Ruoyan Sun, PhD, assistant professor with the Department of Health Policy and Organization at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and the study's lead author. "But if they do become regular or established smokers, then the risks can be substantial."

What the Findings Mean

The findings suggest that vaping may not be a gateway to long-term cigarette use for adolescents. However, it is still important to note that there is a risk of initiation smoking among e-cigarette users. As Rachel Boykan, MD, clinical professor of pediatrics and attending physician at Stony Brook Children's Hospital, in Stony Brook, New York, notes, "No risk of smoking initiation is acceptable. And of course, as we are learning, there are significant health risks with e-cigarette use alone."

While the overall number of cigarette smokers remains low, it is still important for parents, educators, and healthcare professionals to educate teenagers about the risks of smoking and vaping. The study's findings should not be taken as a green light for teenagers to start vaping, but rather as a reminder that the risks of smoking-related adverse health outcomes are low if they simply experiment with smoking but do not continue.


In conclusion, while vaping may not be a gateway to long-term cigarette use for adolescents, there is still a risk of initiation smoking among e-cigarette users. It is important for parents, educators, and healthcare professionals to continue educating teenagers about the risks of smoking and vaping, and to discourage them from starting either habit.


Is vaping safer than smoking cigarettes? While vaping may be less harmful than smoking cigarettes, it is still not completely safe and carries its own risks.

Are e-cigarettes addictive? Yes, e-cigarettes can be addictive due to their nicotine content.

Can e-cigarettes help people quit smoking? Some studies suggest that e-cigarettes can help people quit smoking, but more research is needed to fully understand their effectiveness.

Are there any long-term health effects of vaping? The long-term health effects of vaping are still unknown, but research suggests that it could increase the risk of lung damage and other health problems.

How can parents talk to their teenagers about the risks of smoking and vaping? Parents can have open and honest conversations with their teenagers about the risks of smoking and vaping, and provide them with accurate information about the potential health consequences.

Is vaping allowed in public places? Vaping is prohibited in many public places, including schools, workplaces, and restaurants. Laws and regulations around vaping vary by country and state.

Can teenagers buy e-cigarettes? In many countries, the sale of e-cigarettes to minors is illegal. However, enforcement of these laws can be difficult, and teenagers may still be able to obtain e-cigarettes through friends or online.

What are some alternatives to smoking and vaping? Some alternatives to smoking and vaping include nicotine replacement therapy (such as nicotine gum or patches), behavioral therapy, and support groups.

How can healthcare professionals help prevent teenage smoking and vaping? Healthcare professionals can educate teenagers about the risks of smoking and vaping, provide them with resources for quitting, and encourage them to make healthy lifestyle choices.

What can teenagers do to avoid smoking and vaping? Teenagers can avoid smoking and vaping by staying informed about the risks, surrounding themselves with supportive peers and role models, and finding healthy ways to cope with stress and anxiety.